Jen Owens

Jen Owens, FORAI, St. Louis, Missouri

Forai, Inc., is a faith-based, Christian 501(c)3 organization partnering with local refugee and immigrant women to enable the realization of economic, educational, and social goals through training and peer support, and by expanding market opportunities for artisans. Located in South City, St. Louis, MO, FORAI (Friends of Refugees and Immigrants) provides home-based and in-workshop incomes for women who can’t work outside home because of a barrier such as childcare needs or caring for another family member. FORAI offers artisan made jewelry and crafts to the St. Louis community. 

Goals for the program include helping women learn English for their own success and the success of their children; fighting the isolation immigrant women often face; and offering women an opportunity to generate income for their family. To be accepted into the program, women just have 1) a barrier to employment outside the home, such as child care needs or caring for another family member, and 2) an adjusted family income below the federal poverty level.  

Most women come to FORAI through a free community sewing class offered by FORAI and staffed by volunteers. Most artisans live within the St. Louis city limits.

The program accepts 10-12 artisans each year – both new and old. There is no graduation from the program. Women move on when they are ready. Women are also promoted within the program to administrative positions in 3 areas (jewelry, sewing and sales) where they are offered set hours in the workshop and given additional training in English literacy and computer skills

Learn more about FORAI on their website:


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