Press Release: Invested Faith Announces 6th Class of Fellows
For immediate release: 02.20.23
Washington, DC: Invested Faith is excited to announce the names of a sixth class of Invested Faith Fellows. These five faith-rooted social innovators are working to address systemic issues of injustice in their communities while building a sustainable financial model. Fellows receive a $5,000 unrestricted grant and an invitation to tell their story through the Invested Faith community and website.
Invested Faith has now awarded 28 Fellows in less than two years.
“The work of identifying and naming Invested Faith Fellows continues to inspire me. With the narrative of decline animating many of our faith institutions, these Fellows are proving God is still well at work in the world. It is our honor to join that work, and I’m delighted to introduce you to these Class 6 Invested Faith Fellows–world changers!” said Invested Faith founder and visionary, Dr. Amy K. Butler
These individuals were selected as Invested Faith Fellows in January of 2023.
Chelsea Spyres, Wilmington, Delaware
Wilmington Kitchen Collective
The Wilmington Kitchen Collective utilizes church kitchens, which sit empty and unused most of the week, to offer culinary entrepreneurs an affordable option for high-quality commercial kitchen facilities. The kitchens are used by caterers, food truck owners, bakers and other start-ups, helping entrepreneurs overcome a major obstacle in starting their busines
Johnetta Roberts, Louisville, Kentucky
Blak Koffee
Located in a newly renovated building in the West End of Louisville, a red-lined, low-income area, Blak Koffee was born when Roberts recognized the neighborhood lacked food service and community gathering spaces. Currently, Blak Koffee is run as a coffee cart “under the stairwell,” but will open in their own space in early 2023.
Robert Rueda, Edinburg, Texas
Global Blends Coffee Shop and Deli
Global Blends Coffee Shop and Deli is a “pay what you can” coffee shop and deli located on the campus of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, on the Texas-Mexico border. After a study found that 40% of students at the university experienced hunger on an ongoing basis, Rueda opened the coffee shop, which offers affordable or no-cost food, along with leadership training and job skills for the students employed there.
Alexander Clemetson, Franklin County, Ohio
Together We Compost
Together We Compost is a Black-owned compost collection and creation service that works to ensure that members of the BIPOC community are offered equal access to composting collection.TWC offers compost services for residences and businesses along with education and consulting around composting, the climate crisis, and food accessibility.
Sanctified Art Creative Team, Black Mountain, North Carolina Sanctified Art
Sanctified Art is an artist collective that provides progressive visual art, poetry, and other creative resources for liturgical worship. Sanctified Art helps worshiping communities integrate art and creativity into their spiritual practice using resources with inclusive and affirming theology and an expanded imagination around the divine image. Creative team members include Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman, Rev. Anna Strickland, Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity, Hannah Garrity, and Rev. Sarah A. Speed.
About Invested Faith: Invested Faith is a fund for faith-rooted social innovators founded by Rev. Dr. Amy Butler in 2019 in response to declining church attendance and the need for a new model of philanthropy. Invested Faith works to become a bridge between traditional churches and social innovators who are creating new expressions of faith and community. The fund is located at ImpactAssets, leading facilitator of direct impact investing within donor advised funds.
For additional information and photos, visit the Press Center at Invested Faith.
Media Contact:
Anita Flowers, Coordinator