
Read the latest news and updates about our work and our Fellows

Invested Faith Invested Faith

What’s so hard about Lent?

I wouldn’t characterize Lent as a wildly popular season. There are so many other things I know I’d prefer to do than to engage in the work of change. Laundry, anyone? Keep reading to find out more about the hard work of Lent and changing the world.

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Invested Faith Invested Faith

Invested Faith 2021 Annual Impact Report

We are so proud to share our first Invested Faith Impact Report. It’s hard to believe we now have 13 Fellows, in 9 different states, doing the hard work of healing the world. This inaugural Impact Report offers a glimpse into the progress Invested Faith has made in the past year and offers a generous helping of hope, not only for our Fellows and the positive impact they are making on the world, but for the future and mission of our churches and institutions - who now have a progressive option for sending their witness forward.

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Invested Faith Invested Faith

Invested Faith chats with Good Faith Weekly

Invested Faith Founder Rev. Dr. Amy Butler chats with Mitch Randall and Autumn Lockett on Good Faith Media Weekly about the future of church and the hope Invested Faith offers.

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Invested Faith Invested Faith

A Birthday Wish

Every year February is an almost overwhelming experience of love expressed by so many on my birthday (thanks, Facebook). I feel that love and it carries me through the year. Seriously.

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Invested Faith Invested Faith

With gratitude and hope

Even after a year marked by so many unanticipated difficulties in the world, Invested Faith is sparkling with new developments and opportunities. Learn more about our latest developments.

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Amy Butler Amy Butler

Gathering Courage and Hope

The world changes when people act believing that hope is around the corner and that it is our holy work to usher it in.

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Invested Faith Invested Faith

In case you missed it!

Listen as Invested Faith founder, Rev. Dr. Amy Butler talks about Invested Faith and this new model of healing the world.

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Amy Butler Amy Butler

Making it Right

As it turns out, God is feeling the need for making things right just as much, if not more, than we are. The prophet says that our perpetual disregard of God’s way is wearying to the Divine. In other words, God is getting sick of us, and frankly I don’t blame her. “But listen and look!”, the prophet tells us. Even with the despair of the situation, God has not given up on making things right; God is sending a sign, an invitation to turn again to the work of hope and wholeness.

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Invested Faith Invested Faith

Let us introduce you…

Meet our new class of Invested Faith Fellows and listen in as founder Amy Butler and new Fellow, Alisha Gordon, chat.

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Invested Faith Invested Faith

It’s #GivingTuesday!

It’s Giving Tuesday! Learn more about Invested Faith in the short video by founder, Rev. Dr. Amy K Butler.

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Amy Butler Amy Butler

Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving from each of us at Invested Faith! As supporters of Invested Faith, you are people who believe a new world is possible and are willing to be part of making it happen. Imagining a new world is not for the faint of heart, and living as if you believe it’s possible is even more courageous. We are grateful to each one of you who have supported Invested Faith through financial support and words of encouragement.

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Invested Faith Invested Faith

Building a Fund to Seed the Future

2021 has been an amazing year at Invested Faith; it’s been the year that we’ve actually seen the tangible connection between the dream of Invested Faith and the Fellows who are living faith in inspiring and hope-filled ways. Now that we know this idea works, it’s time to get serious about building a fund that can have a significant impact in the community of faith-rooted entrepreneurs.

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Invested Faith Invested Faith

Hope for Declining Congregations

If your worshipping community is facing hard decisions that have been long-coming but accelerated by the global pandemic, you already know that fear of loss can lead to dissension and even more painful decline. It’s tempting to give in to a theology of scarcity, scrambling to piece together some solution that only prolongs the inevitable, and in the end facing a loss that is compounded by feelings of failure. If this is the reality that your community is facing, it’s important to recognize that you are not alone. Invested Faith offers some new ideas and, more importantly, life-giving hope.

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