Dustin Mailman

Dustin Mailman, Deep Time Coffee, Asheville, North Carolina

Deep Time Coffee offers spiritual community, employment and personal development for persons impacted by incarceration. Located in Asheville, NC, Deep Time is developing a social enterprise that begins with roasting coffee. Mailman has purchased a coffee roaster and has begun selling coffee through popups and word of mouth, hiring returning citizens (recently incarcerated) who face overwhelming barriers to employment.

Dustin is a United Methodist pastor at Trinity Methodist Church in Asheville who offers a “ministry of loitering” - connecting with those on the streets, the unhoused, and marginalized. Dustin is a graduate of Appalachian State with a seminary degree from Candler School of Theology at Emory University.

“Given the reality that Asheville is roughly 80% white, but their incarceration rate is 40+% BIPOC, this work has an embedded antiracist lens. This means we are centering and amplifying the work that is already happening within black communities in Asheville, collaborating with these organizations, individuals, and communities, and setting up a hiring structure that is committed to living wage pay and culturally contextualized workforce development processes.”


Kamaile Pahukoa


Nikole Lim