Nikole Lim

Freely in Hope is dedicated to equipping survivors and advocates to lead in ending sexual violence. Currently working in Zambia and Kenya, Freely in Hope is publishing a first children's book, promoting body automony and safety, which will be offered in the US along with a faith-based safe touch and body autonomy curriculum for churches and other organizations.

Founder Nikole Lim is a survivor-advocate and educator on restorative storytelling and survivor-leadership models. Nikole shifts paradigms on how stories are told by platforming voices of the oppressed—sharing stories of beauty arising out of seemingly broken situations. An international documentary filmmaker, Nikole is now international director of Freely in Hope.

“1 out of 3 women globally are survivors of sexual violence. The FIH model focuses on providing holistic care for survivors of sexual violence, believing that they have the potential to become the most powerful liberators in our communities. Our new book, Pendo's Power, is the story of a 6 year old from a slum in Kenya. She teaches her friends about safe touch, body autonomy, and consent, offering a model for parents and children around the world in stopping violence.”

Read more about Nikole here.


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