Invested Faith 2022 Impact Report

We’re so happy to share that our 2022 Impact Report is now available. Read the welcome letter from Pastor Amy below and take a look at the entire report here. If you would like a hard copy for yourself or your faith institution, please send us a note.

Dear Friends of Invested Faith,

It is surreal to look back to 2019, when I had some time to follow a hunch I’d been considering for some time: that churches and other religious institutions needed hopeful options by which their considerable assets might have immediate and ongoing impact. Noticing also the growing groups of colleagues imagining their ministry through the building and nurturing of social enterprise–businesses that heal the world, I began to wonder how we might build a bridge between the two.

Invested Faith was born out of the awareness that the seeds of tradition could and should propel the work of social entrepreneurs by sharing assets, joining mission to create legacy and future combined, and showing the world that people of faith are not giving up on shared efforts to heal the world.

I am so pleased and honored that so many of you have caught the vision and welcomed the future by becoming part of Invested Faith.

2023 will be a year filled with partnerships. I’m looking forward to engaging conversations with churches and other organizations who have caught the vision of Invested Faith and can imagine leaving a legacy that fuels the work of amazing entrepreneurs who you will meet in the following pages.

Please reach out; I would love to connect and explore ways we might do this together!

With God's Peace,


Keep reading! You can access the full 2022 Impact Report here. Any questions? Contact us at

Invested Faith Fellows 2021-2022


Good News Blooming All Over


Invested Faith is growing!